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Who is Swimrific?Swimrific is made up of an ever-growing, passionate team of individuals who come together with one common goal - teaching families to be safer in and around water through fun, trauma-free methods that work in-line with your child's appropriate developmental stage. Our team consists of mainly part-time staff with a couple of full-timers.
What is the Swimrific Team's Qualifications?Our team is mostly AUSTSWIM certified. This means that our licences are kept up to date and renewed and every three years. Depending on your needs, we have teachers certified to teach: ✔️ Learn to Swim - Generally from 4 years of age and up ✔️ Infant and Preschool Aquatics - We start parent-assisted (Baby & Me) classes from 6 months young ✔️ Access & Inclusion - Individuals of all abilities ✔️ Stroke Correction On top of all this, all our teachers hold current CPR/AED licences with half of us also certified as either the Standard First Aid, Child First Aid and Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Providers.
How can I trust the Swimrific Team?Qualifications and licences aside, our teachers are handpicked by the current Swimrific Team, helmed by founder and director, Shirlyn. She's put a rigorous interview process in place to ensure she gets the best team possible. And, it doesn't stop there! The Swimrific team meets up at least once a month for team training (half of the time with Swim School friends from across the world) and also has 1-to-1 sessions for our teachers' personal development. We've always worked on the basis of building a team who uses the same methodologies yet stays true to themselves in terms of their unique personalities. What we can promise is that we'll never assign a teacher to you who hasn't gone through Swimrific's onboarding training and passed our competency assessment. All in all, we guess you've got to meet us to draw your own conclusions about us. 😊
Which swimming pools do you teach at?At this current time, Swimrific teaches primarily in condominium and private swimming pools across Singapore. We're most often at: - Selegie - River Valley - Orchard / Newton - City Hall - Tampines We're excited to say that we're setting up our first home base at Woods Square in Woodlands. We are actively working toward being able to teach in more swimming pools across the country. We're always on the look-out for access to more swimming pools where we will be able to teach more children outside of condominiums as water safety remains our top priority. If you have contacts that can help us with this, do let us know at so we can get in touch for a chat!
Are your swimming pools heated?Currently Swimrific do not have our own designated pool. While we're aware that the optimum temperature for teaching babies, younger children and certain individuals with special needs is between 30°C to 32°C, Swimrific currently has no say over the swimming pools we're in.
How good is the water quality in the swimming pools you're at?The water quality in swimming pools we currently teach at is out of Swimrific's control at this point in time. We believe all parties including the management have to communicate well with regards to the pool conditions. But, rest assured that all swimming pools in Singapore are subjected to regular water testing as mandated by the National Environment Agency (NEA) on a regular basis
What programs do you offer?Classes we currently offer: ✔️ Learn to Swim Classes (From 3.5 years and up) ✔️ Baby & Me Classes (From 6 months to 4 years) ✔️ Access & Inclusion Classes (Any age, any ability) Other Aquatic programs we currently offer: ✔️ SwimDates ✔️ Introduction to SwimFin
Do you do Swim Assessments?Yes, we do! We've created our very own Swimming & Water Safety program (better known as our Learn to Swim program) packed with 7 levels of skills for swimmers to master covering everything from understanding how your body moves in water, up to learning the butterfly!
How often do you conduct Swim Assessments?Our teachers are always encouraged to observe and check off each student's swim skills throughout the year. We've also set formal skills assessment weeks that span a fortnight in each quarter of the year. This allows all stakeholders to keep up-to-date on a swimmer's progress and also allows for better practice of current (in-progress) skills outside of class.
Can we have a look at your classes before we enrol?We'd love for you to come and visit. However, locations we currently teach at are restricted to the residents of each development. If we don't teach at your swimming pool yet, you can arrange for a trial class with us. Alternatively, you may choose to visit us at Woods Square where we conduct some of our classes. Please note that an appointment is required prior to your recce. Please contact us at 8161 1208 to arrange for a trial class or to plan out your trip in advance!
Do you do Trial Classes?Yes, we do! We offer one-off trials to assess the swimmer's current level of competence so we can ensure that he/she is placed in an appropriate class. This also allows us to plan and tailor our classes going forward to better suit the swimmer.
Do you charge for trial lessons?Yes, we do! Swimrific trials are chargeable at our usual class rates because we value the time, energy and commitment put in by our team!
Why is there more than one teacher in my class?You could be part of one of our hybrid classes. But, you're more likely to experience your teacher having a trainee attached to them for the day. To help us achieve our mission of getting every individual safer in and around water, we need more well-trained swim teachers to be able to teach more swimmers! Please be reminded that having more than one teacher in class is not a right, but a privilege extended to you by Swimrific.
Why is a different teacher being assigned to me?We understand that change may be difficult for you and your family. Where possible, we try to keep you with the same teacher for a minimum of 12 months as we believe that children learn a lot better with a teacher they have formed a bond with. If we do change out your swim teacher, please know that it isn't a decision we take lightly. It would most likely have occurred due to a major change in your teacher's schedule.
Are there benefits to having swim class twice a week?With more practice, your child will progress faster and become more confident and proficient. It's no secret that progress comes with more practice!
My child is not in a baby and me class. Can I still hop in and join the class with them?If your child is just transitioning from our Baby & Me program, you will be allowed to hop in for the first two (2) Learn to Swim classes. Having a parent in the class often helps with the transition process. However, we'd need your help in communicating with your child that they will be progressing to independent swim classes (with friends).
What is the difference between group and private swimming lessons?Group swimming lessons are taught in a group setting with multiple students while private swimming lessons are taught one-on-one with a swim teacher. Benefits of Group Swimming Classes less expensive learning together learning to socialise friendly competition increased motivation Benefits of Private Swimming Classes personalised attention progress at the swimmer's pace
Are lessons conducted on public holidays?No. Classes are not held on public holidays as Swimrific closes for each PH. Since Swimrific hardly takes time off outside of public holidays (PH), we guard our PH closures closely and strongly encourage our team and clients to spend time with their loved ones.
How should independent swimmers (4 years and up) be dressed for swim class?Appropriate swimwear is mandatory. Ladies / Girls ✔️ Swim Suits must be worn (Both one-piece and two-piece swimwear is allowed but one-piece is highly recommended) ✔️ A rashguard can be worn over swim suits Men / Boys ✔️ Trunks or jammers must be worn ✔️ A rashguard may be worn to cover the upper body Thermal Wear ✔️ Wetsuits and wetsuit jackets may be worn over a swimmer's swimwear for UV protection and keeping warm Hair Hygiene ✔️ Long hair should be neatly tied up, long fringes should be pinned up too ✔️ Swim Caps are recommended but optional at this point in time ✔️ Headdress (hijabs) may be worn if they are for religious purposes
What should my baby (toddlers under 4 years old) wear for a Baby & Me class?Babies must wear a properly fitting disposable swim nappy for the entire duration of class. It is also recommended to double-up with a washable / reusable swim nappy on top of the disposable nappy to minimise any risks of fecal contamination in swimming pools. If you're happy to have your child swim in just their nappy, we're happy to teach them as is. Else, please come dressed in appropriate swim wear over your child's nappy.
I'm accompanying my child in the Baby & Me class, what should I wear?Parents who are accompanying their baby for Baby & Me classes must be dressed in appropriate swim attire when in the water. It is highly recommended that parents wear a rashguard or dri-fit t-shirt over their swimmers as part of our program does involve having baby grip on to you as part of safety.
Swim Cap: Should I buy and use it?Swim caps are currently encouraged by not mandatory. They work great for good hygiene practice and also keeps your child's hair neatly tucked away so your child will be able to see clearly while swimming.
Goggles: Does my child need goggles for swim class?The short answer is: It's not necessary. Only optional! The Swimrific program requires swimmers to remove their goggles for some activities to learn certain water safety skills. Let us break it down for you. PROS of using Goggles ✔️ Clear vision underwater ✔️ Eyes are protected against chemicals and contaminants in the swimming pool CONS of using Goggles ❌ Children get overly dependent on using goggles and may not want to swim if their goggles are not with them ❌ Individuals will most likely panic more if an accident occurs due to the over dependence of goggles (e.g., accidentally falling into a water body) When do Goggles become mandatory? ✔️ Goggles become mandatory when a swimmer does not cooperate and participate in class because they don't want to get water over their eyes.
I want my child to always have their goggles on! Will the teachers take them off?For most of our classes, our teachers will keep the swimmer's goggles on. We will only be requesting for goggles to come off when we teach water safety elements of our program (a couple of activities within any given class).
Inflatable Floaties, Ring Floats & Arm Bands: My child loves them! Can I bring them to class?Please DO NOT bring your inflatable flotation devices to class. While we have plenty of teaching aids to make lessons fun for children, we do not believe in having them left on throughout class. This will hinder your child's ability to learn. Our coaches will bring flotation aids provided by our company for lessons. If you would like to bring your own flotation aid, noodles and pull buoys are recommended.
When do I qualify for a makeup class?If your Baby & Me class is cancelled due to lightning alerts. If you're travelling and give us advance notice of absence. When you produce a doctor's medical certificate (MC).
How many makeup classes do you offer each month?We offer 1 makeup class per month. (That's 12 possible makeup classes each year!)
Will Swimrific arrange for my makeup class by default?Swimrific is not responsible for initiating makeup class arrangements unless class was cancelled by the teacher. It is the responsibility of parents to start the conversation going as we do not know your child's availability. If your makeup class isn't arranged within the allocated time frame, your credit for the class will be forfeited after 2 weeks of the missed class.
When can I schedule and claim my makeup class?Makeup classes have to be scheduled and claimed as soon as possible. Either within 2 weeks... of the missed class, or your return from vacation.
There are no similar group classes to join for my child's makeup class. What can I do?Please check with your teacher to see if an alternative solution can be made. If no agreeable solution can be reached, you can choose to drop in on our group classes at Woods Square on Sunday afternoons.
What happens if my teacher is unavailable for my makeup class?Swimrific will send another qualified teacher to conduct your makeup.
What happens when the Swimrific team is unable to find a cover teacher for my private makeup class?You are welcome to join an existing group class of the same level in your condo, or You may drop in on our existing Sunday afternoon classes at Woods Square.
Can I do a makeup class in a class of a different level?If the level of your child isn't too far apart from the level of the class you intend to join, yes you can! However, if the level varies too much, it wouldn't benefit the existing students or your child.
What should I do if I and/or my child will be absent for an upcoming class?Please login to your account on our family portal and mark your future absence(s) there.
What happens when Swimrific cancels the lesson in advance?If Swimrific cancels your class due to unforeseen circumstances, your credits for that lesson will be credited back into your account at the end of the month. But, it may be worthwhile to note that cancellations are a situation we don't like to find ourselves in either. As such, there's definitely a higher chance of us sending you a substitute teacher or, in rescheduling your class depending on the availability of our team.
How much notice do I have to give to withdraw from Swimrific's program?A student may choose to withdraw from class at any time. Please be advised to withdraw you/your child’s enrolment before it renews for a subsequent month in order to avoid being charged for the next month’s classes. Please note that you are responsible for payment for your child's classes whether or not you/your child attends class until the time you notify Swimrific via written notice. Only a written notice by email to will be accepted. Please do not rely on your child to give us verbal notice that he/she will no longer be attending lessons. If a child stops coming to class without written notice then that child's account will be charged for the additional 30 days. This charge will be for holding the student's place in that class instead of offering your placement to one of the many on our waiting list.
What is your cancellation policy?Cancellation Policy Learn to Swim Program Parents will not be able to cancel class or submit an absence in the event of inclement weather. In the event of an active thunderstorm (this will be tracked by the Swimrific team through the myNEA app), a dry-land class will be conducted in a place of a in-pool class. Please note that we will not be accepting "it's too cold" as an excuse to be absent. We strongly encourage the use of thermal swimwear to help your child regulate their body temperature in the water on a cooler day (ps. it's also great UV protection for sunny days). Baby & Me Program Class will only be cancelled in the event of lightning alerts no less than one hour before the commencement of class. All Other Last Minute Cancellations with Teacher En-Route In the event that class has to be cancelled with your teacher already on the way, regular class fees will be charged. If You are Travelling for Up To 14 Days Fees are to be paid in full. If You are Travelling for More Than 14 Days Group class fees are to be paid as per usual. For private classes, 50% of the usual class fees will be collected for the duration of the time that you are away. Because we listen, we know there are situations in life that are out of our control. So long as you meet the criteria below, we will be happy to accept your child's absence with no charges on your part. In The Event of Haze (Unsafe PSI) Classes will be cancelled 1 hour in advance.
How much notice should I give if we are going away on holiday?Do let us know as soon as you have booked your holiday / staycation by marking a future absence on our family portal.
How much notice should I give you if my child is unwell?Please login to your account on our family portal and mark your future absence(s) there at least four hours before the start time of your class. This will allow you to schedule a make-up for the missed class within 6 weeks of the start of the month. If you do not fill in your absence at least 4 hours in advance, your make-up class will be forfeited.
What happens if my child is ill for a prolonged period of time?If a swimmer is unable to swim for an extended period of time, their absence must be accompanied by a valid medical certificate. We hope this never happens to you and yours but, if it does, please write to us through email at
(Baby & Me Program) How much notice should I give if the weather looks sketchyBad weather cancellations must be done at least one (1) hour prior to the start of class through your Swim Group's Whatsapp.
What happens if it rains during the time slot agreed for my makeup?You may reschedule your makeup so long as your teacher is not yet enroute. the rescheduled makeup is within 2 weeks of the original class missed.
When happens if I don't claim my makeup class within the 2 weeks that's allowed?Your credits for the makeup will expire.
How do I submit my Medical Certificate (MC) or Hospitalisation Leave (HL) to Swimrific?Please submit evidence of the swimmer's absence to this link.
How are fees paid?Fees are pre-paid on a monthly basis at the start of each month through our Family portal. Accepted payment types include: ✔️ PayNow ✔️ PayLah! ✔️ Bank Transfers ✔️ Credit Card Do note that we have stopped accepting cash and check payments since 2019.
Is my class charged even though I can't make it?Yes. Swimrific has moved to run based on a school system which has to be run and managed throughout the year, whether or not you're available for class.
When are fees charged?Fees are raised at the start of every month and are to be pre-paid on a monthly basis. We seek your cooperation in this so our teachers can be paid in a timely manner.
What happens if I don't pay my fees by the 7th of the month?On day eight (8), a ten percent (10%) late fee of your outstanding amount will be charged to your account. A further ten percent (10%) late fee will be charged with every week that payment is not received.
How many days do I have to make payment?Please make payment before the start of your class each new month. However, we understand that you may too busy to do so. So, all month's charges are due by the 7th of each month.
Why am I being charged for more than four (4) classes this month?Since your fees are auto-generated by our system each month, you're most likely charged more because there are five (5) swim classes in the month that's just been billed. Do double check your calendar just to be sure and let us know in the unlikely event that we've miscalculated.
How involved should I be? Can I observe?Learn to Swim Classes Parents are encouraged to observe class from the pool deck without interfering with the ongoing class unless you receive explicit instructions from class' lead teacher to join in. Baby & Me Classes A parent or guardian must accompany baby into the pool for each lesson. If there are more family members present, they will have to watch and observe from the pool deck.
When should I start teaching my baby to swim?Formal Baby & Me classes start from as early as 4 months of age. However, since we don't yet have a purpose built swimming pool of our own, we start babies from 6 months old. Fun Fact: Your baby's first informal swim should be in a baby tub within days of baby's birth!
I've seen videos online about Infant Swimming Resource (ISR). Do you teach it?Swimrific does not condone nor subscribe to the methods used by those teaching Infant Swimming Resource (ISR). Instead of traumatising children while we teach, we adopt values and methods that support the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child where we educate, nurture and respect each child through our services.
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