What can SwimFin offer You?
It inspires
and play.
No restrictive
Makes the
learn to swim process quicker and easier
Helps maintain
a natural swimming position
- Ultra Safe -
Stays in one
place, no tipping
or slipping
Used as a training
and teaching tool
It is multi-stroke
functional and
works across all
four swim strokes
Benefits of SwimFin
SwimFin is worn on the back and expertly weighted to provide support when needed.
Why SwimFin?
Children love the SwimFin because it's shape appeals as a fun piece of kit. It also appeals to parents and instructors as it makes learning to swim more of a game than a chore. Tests have proved that learning to swim with SwimFin can reduce the process by up to a third less time.
SwimFin Achievements
SwimFin Safety
A SwimFin should never be used used with a baby that does not have good control over their body yet.
A SwimFin must NEVER be worn on the front of the body.
If your child has sensitive skin, it is advisable to have them wear a t-shirt or UV top before strapping SwimFin on.
Use only under constant competent supervision
Buy SwimFin Today
SwimFin - Trade
The SwimFin brand is fast becoming the leading swimming aid brand on the market. SwimFin is highly innovative with long lasting value.
We supply to a broad range of customers including retailers, wholesalers, independents, leisure centres, holiday companies and hotel chains around the world.
We now export to over 140 countries worldwide.
You can download a copy of our Brochure in PDF format here.
If you are interested in stocking our product and working with us, please contact our trade account manager.
+65 8161 1208