Keeping in line with our goal of educating individuals about swimming and water safety, we're bringing to you a whole new range of activity sheets / worksheets for families!
Can't decide which one to get? Or, want to drive in our messages on water safety with every milestone of your child's development? Get your very own A to Z of Swimming and Water Safety - The Complete Set!
The set includes:
- Alphabet & Colouring Activity Sheets
- Colouring Book
- Fill in the Blanks Activity Book
- Draw it In Activity Book
These sets come with 26 different pictures - one for each letter of the alphabet. Yes! That's 26 pages of fun to teach your child and have conversations about water safety. We promise you'll even get some downtime as our young budding artists create their very own masterpiece.
Even though these activity sheets are geared toward children, we guarantee the kids at heart may learn a thing or two that wasn't previously known. We take the work out of worksheets and turn it into fun!
A to Z of Swimming & Water Safety - Complete Set
- FOUR sets of Swimming & Water Safety Activity Sheets
- FOUR sets of 31 / 38 Page PDF Document (Ready to Print)
- All sets in A4 Size Ready to Print Documents
- ONE Cover Page each
- ONE Introduction Page each
- THREE Parents' Reference Pages (Covering all 26 alphabets) each
- TWENTY SIX Activity Pages per set; one for each alphabet.
- Downloadable straight after purchase!